Here is the information for joining the virtual ZOOM shareholder meeting. See the protocols and agenda below. Please call the Kwaan Office if you have any issues accessing the webinar on Zoom.
Topic: Yak-Tat Kwaan, Inc. 47th Annual Shareholders Meeting
When: Jan 30, 2021 01:00 PM Alaska
Due to social distancing and limits on congregating in person, our annual shareholder meeting is being
held remotely via teleconference on Zoom this year. There are many ways for Shareholders to participate,
including this Webinar, livestream on the web, and dialing in by telephone to listen. The agenda includes
the election, with videos of candidate speeches, an open shareholder Q&A session, and finally the
announcement of the results.
There are several ways for shareholders to join, listen, and participate in the meeting:
● Join the webinar via Zoom to see and hear video, and make comments and ask questions
Webinar ID: 863 6435 7530
Passcode: Shared in your letter, or call Kwaan office for passcode
○ The Zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86364357530
● Dial in by phone via one of the provided numbers to listen in to the proceedings
888-475-4499 (Toll Free)
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Minutes of Prior Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
3. President’s Report
4. Audit Report
5. Inspector of Elections and Quorum Report
6. Explanation of Voting Procedures
7. Nominations
8. Candidate Speeches
9. Voting Registration Closes – 3:00 p.m.
10. Balloting Period Ends – 3:30 p.m.
11. Question and Answer Session
12. Report of Elections Results
13. Benediction
14. Adjournment
Protocol for YTK Annual Meeting
We want to assure that everyone can hear and to be fair to all our shareholders who participate in this first ever Yak-Tat Kwaan virtual annual meeting. The rules below are intended to promote transparency, to provide an avenue of participation for our shareholders even though we cannot meet together and to conform with special rules adopted by the Alaska Legislature for virtual annual meetings. In order to fulfill those goals, the following protocol must be followed and will be enforced:
Only Shareholders May Participate
Per the Rules of Annual Meeting of Shareholders, only shareholders may attend the meeting.
No Gathering
This year, because of the health threat posed by the coronavirus pandemic, we will not be gathering in one place.
Virtual Participation
The rules stated below are intended to provide our shareholders with the next best thing to a gathering: virtual participation where everyone can learn about our corporation’s activities over the last year.
Rules for ZOOM Participation
A link for video for those with computers and smart phones and a toll-free phone number for telephonic participation to call in for those without computer or smart phones, has been supplied.
Please mute your Zoom connection if participating by computer. If participating by phone, you will automatically be muted by Zoom.
The Yak-Tat Kwaan Board will appear on your screen if you are using Zoom.
We will have technical support online and telephonically (907-784-3335) only between 11 and 1. Technical support is there to assist you in joining the meeting, either via computer or telephonically on Zoom if you run into problems.
Only the Zoom video link and Zoom telephone will be available
General Rules of Decorum
Shareholders are requested to hold their questions and comments until the Question and Answer period of the meeting.
All participants must be recognized by the President, hereinafter known as “Chair” before speaking. This rule applies to motions as well as comments and questions.
In so much as possible, Roberts Rules of Order will govern the general conduct of the meeting.
Conduct of Election
The duly sworn and independent Inspector of Election will be on Zoom as well to observe the virtual aspects of the meeting and review the final vote reconciliation prior to certifying the results.
When the chair announces the closing of registration, shareholders who have not yet voted by ballot or proxy and are present in Yakutat will have 30 minutes deliver their ballots to Upstairs of Kwaan Plaza.
Candidates’ Speeches.
Each candidate is given 3 minutes to speak to the shareholders.
No visual aids are permitted.
Each Candidate must appear virtually, either via Zoom video or Zoom telephone.
Specific Rules of Decorum during Question-and-Answer Period.
Participants must submit written questions via email to tisraelson@ytkcorp.com
Alternatively, participants using ZOOM should indicate their request to be recognized by raising their hand
Raise your hand and wait to be called on; when called on, unmute and ask your question, then please immediately mute your screen.
Do not interrupt another speaker. We want everyone who wants to speak to do so freely and without interruption.
Be respectful
Rules applicable to both written and Zoom-video questions
All questions must be addressed to the Chair
Keep your questions to the point;
Only one question at a time;
Your question must follow the following format:
Your location (e.g. village or city and state)
Your name
The question: Be as concise as possible. Remember, only one question at a time. Once you have asked a question, you must wait for its response before posing another question.
We will answer questions in the order received.
Questions that violate the rules, are unrelated to the meeting or the business of the meeting, may involve personnel issues, or contain offensive language, will be ruled out of order.
Shareholders who have already spoken, either in-person or online, wait until all other questioners have had a turn to speak on a given matter before asking a second question or making a comment.
After Adjournment
We will post all appropriate questions that have been received during the course of the meeting, and the Corporation’s answers on the Annual Meeting page of the website as soon as is practical after the meeting.
We will archive the Annual meeting and make it available upon a shareholder’s request for a period of (1) month after the adjournment of the Annual meeting.
By Order of the Board of Directors